1948 PAGE NINE. Gets Award for Picnic Day Name Three Die in Plane Collision 22 Years Ago MAT7.U2C It'sfi Greof Life are agitating a project that promises to be a good thing for them. It is known as the Retail Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania, and the object is to protect the storekeepers from the "dead beat" Hiss Minnie Kane left here yesterday for a stay in Buffalo. The Franklin Kiwanis Club tferins Corps Oilers College Education Sgt. Smith, of the New Castle recruiting office, announced today that there is an excellent opportunity for every young man between the ages of 17 nd 28 who enlists in the Marine Corps, to either complete or further his edu came out first best in the attendance contest of 10 weeks with the club at Butler.
The leading candidates for the Pepper-Fisher ticket campaigning By CLARE SWISHER. In a store the other day I was for the support of Western Penn looking at a display of candies! and -it occurred to me that mostj of us have seen the sweet-tooth business come a sylvania voters in the coming pn maries were enthusiastically re ceived in Franklin yesterday. A i cations The Marine Corps Institute i- i- i i 1 1 if Senator Pepper and John S. Fish MOTHERS TAUGHT HOW MADISON, Wis. UP Sixteen easy lessons on how to bring up children are being offered to Wisconsin mothers by radio.
The lessons, called "Our Children," are broadcast by University of Wisconsin state WHA. Listening mothers are mailed supplementary textbooks to make the home study been er, candidate for governor, spoke long way. XXJV' It hasn't too many w'-. years ago Zmj long way. years i wuii.ii is mainuuneu ay uie maiinr Corps for Marines, offers a com at the Court House last evening.
that The temperature is now hitting candy was pret its early summer stride. It reached ty much a mat-1 ter of licorice! plete high school or college education. In addition a great variety of technicolor courses are offered A Marine Corns recruiting sta an official mark of 80 in the shade Si course complete. yesterday. sticks, jellyi Large advertisem*nts appeared J'tion will be open in the Oil City beans, holiday.
A total of 8,360 quail was bagged tack, pep-' I TSSrC hard in the 1947 Pennsylvania hunting in The News-Herald today offering many bargains. Among the ad permint postoffict every Thursday at whicn time Sgt. Smith will give any information needed. season against 8,244 in 1946. hi4zt mi3 i vertisers were: Taub, "one block ik 1 pm Clare Swisher.
out of the high rent Aaron Harris, offering double chocolate drops and suckers. That was back in the day when: candy was a treat not part of breasted suits with two pairs of trousers; Louis L. Liedeker, with' the latest in spring styles: Guy IK kid daily diet. Candy, when I was a boy, con- John H. Graney, Sharon, and Sharon Steel Local Union 1193, (isted of individual pieces piled Ben Phillips, Grove City, secre- Farrell; John Atterholt, of high in a show case.
You plunked; tary and chairman of the United Sharon Tube Local Union 1355; down a penny, and the clerk stuck Steelworkers of America District and John D. Welch, of National False Teeth Wearers Sleep at Night With Yoor Teeth in Tight Users of Brodhead's Dental Plate Powders can do that very thing so can you! We're so sure you'll like this new tasteless powder that well send you a 19c can FREE to prove it Print or write name and address plainly on penny post card and mail to Wid-noon Co, Keystone Building, Eittanning, Dept 'Sold at all good drug stores si in an unwashed paw and extracted zi committee, smile as Malleable Local Union 1477, bhar House, the Rexall store, with the; familiar "House Allison Electric Co, giving away a $4 waf-; fie iron with each purchase of a table stove; and many other well-' known Franklin merchants. i Feature today at the Theatre Rudolph Valentino in "The Eagle." West Home By MRS. HAROLD WINKLER. WEST HOME, May 4 We had a Sunday school attendance of 42.
Revival meetings are being held every night this week with the evangelist, Rev. M. L. Watson, of Conneaut, doing the preaching. Tess Koch, of Grove City, called in the H.
Apted home on Sunday. Callers in the home of Mrs. T. Hetzler on Saturday evening were: Mrs. W.
S. Middleton and Mrs. Birdie Brown and Mrs. Russell. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McMurdy John W. Grajciar, district director, on, was "Grajciar presents a 100 check to John his reason, in view of the Bruno, president of U.S.A. Local fact that John W. Grajciar has Union No.
1426, Erie. The award given a life of service to the was for Bruno's suggestion of a working man, and had so little name for the Steelworkers picnic public recognition given him." to be staged at Conneaut Lake on Those in the photo are John H. Sept. 12. Graney, Ben Phillips, John Bruno, Bruno's title for the day, as and District Director John W.
selected by Joseph P. Fabian of Grajciar. two pieces of yum-yum for you. The first candy I remember buying was a thin strip of licorice, the black back of which was dotted with beads of greenish peppermint. The all-day sucker, or lolly-pop I believe both were trade names became the rage in my candy craze years, and I "vas around to see the nickel bar wrapped in 44 YEARS AGO MAY 7, 1904.
A number of Franklin merchants and daughter, Marie and Janet andM Jet Plane Loses Tail, -Value of Farmland in paoer become popular. This Detroit family and their neighbors look at the wreckage of a Taylorcraft plane which crashed in their back yard after colliding with another private light plane 1500 feet over the residential district Both men in the craft were killed. The other ship, a two-seater BT-13, crashed in a nearby cemetery, killing the pilot and seriously the Having been born 30 years too At00na pjot (je Stafe at Alltime Hiqh LTU soon, 1 didn stow away mucn i sweetstuff in my knee-pants QUONSET, R. I. UP Comdr.
I HARRISBURG UP The Candy back then was something Ralph Fuoss, 37, of Altoona, value of Pennsylvania special--and rarely was more than was killed yesterday when his is at an all-time high. a penny's, worth purchased. My Navy jet plane suddenly rolled! The. State Agriculture Depart-gosh, a five-cent bag of jelly beans! over, lost its tail and crashed into ment reported that the demand for I I I who will celebrate his 79th birthday on May 3, on Sunday at theii home. All the children and fam- the week-end due to the death of Mrs.
Gilger's aunt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weeter lilies of Mr. and Mrs. James Russell were Franklin shoppers on Mon I were present.
day. I Strawberries Quite a large crowd attended the sale on the S. H. McMurdy farm on Saturday afternoon. Harold Winkler attended a 4-H was out of this world, ah tnis, me water ieei irom xne of course," was before confections Quonset Point naval air station, enjoyed the stimulus of smart1 The accident occurred while merchandising and when consum-, Fuoss and a group of other fliers ers hadn't been told that there was were returning from the Aircraft energy in sweets.
i Carrier Saipan where they had Candy, in earlier days of our, been practicing jet landings, historv. occunied a ton sDot on the1 A Navy crash boat recovered the Club Leaders dinner and meeting prices are now 77 per cent higher than the pre-war average. "Strong inflationary factors have continued to influence the upward trend in farm real estate value," Secretary Miles Horst explained. "Nationally the volume of voluntary sales in the past year was 15 per cent, below the record high in the previous year, and there is reason to believe there have been Linda Young, spent the. week-end at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winkler and daughter, Donna, were Butler shoppers on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Weaver, of Knox, visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gates recently. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lepley, of Franklin, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Louise Mangel and other relatives. Harry McMurdy, of Rochester, N. and Daly McMurdy, of Syracuse, N. spent several days with their mother, Mrs.
J. J. McMurdy and other relatives. Mrs. S.
P. Oglesby, of River Ridge Farm spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winkler. John Dreibelbis, of Clarion State Teachers College, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs John A. Dreibelbis and family. Mrs. Mary Neely and daughter, Edith and husband, of Bolivar, N. visited relatives here over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilger and family were called to Ohio over in the Y. M. C.
A. at Oil City on luxury list. It was not until April; body, Tuesday evening. 18, 1776, that the first advertise Mrs. W.
L. Boyer received word BITE COSTS $10,486 qt 39c .2 lb. bch 49c 2 bchs. 25c lb. 79c lb.
55c lb. 39c of the death of her sister-in-law in Hartford City, on Tuesday. BOSTON UP Because an Asparagus Pascal Celery Loin Lamb Chops Skinless Weiners Bacon Squares The revival meetings in the Old Alaskan husky dog bit her, nine-ifewer sales in Pennsylvania, Have You Queer Aches and Pains? The kidneys filter waste matter out of your blood. When they become clogged the poison gets into your system and you have mysterious aches and pains, especially backache. Help your kidneys clean out this waste matter and excess acid with Thompson's Bor-soma Tablets.
Notice how quickly you feel better. 'Demand genuine Thompson's Bor-soma Tablets, 60c at all drug stores. If constipated take Golden Lax Tablets 25c. They rid your system of other waste matter. year-old Maureen Byrnes was Horst said the question of Zion Church are continuing this week.
ment offering candy for sale was published in the country. It appeared in the New York Journal. Although there wasn't too much candy to be purchased in the very early days, this did not mean there was no demand for it. Some historians claim that even Mrs. Washington sent to hated Eng awarded $10,486 by a superior court jury.
whether land prices will continue to rise depends on whether food prices stay high. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Church service at 11 a. m.
Y. P. M. S. More wild turkeys were bagged meeting at 7 o'clock and evangel istic meetings at 8 o'clock, in the in the 1947 hunting season than in 1946, the State Game Commis- land for candies to satisfy her yen! Free Methodist Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell ANOTHER BALL PEN GAG MILWAUKEE UP A local wag says he has a ball pen with an added feature. It writes on the foam of beer. gave a birthday dinner in honor of iJZ lua khv, sion reports.
The 1947 figure was It was the middle of the 19th toac century before candy was to be-lj'51 whlle the 1946 total was 2-' come big business. The city of Mr. Russell's father, James Russell, Philadelphia was probably the' biggest -sweets center it having 20 factories by 1816. Our word candy comes the name natives of India had for sugar cane. And it was! the men of Alexander the Great's! armies who discovered the root of, kand was good to the taste and; pepped up their lagging Taffy how long since you been to a taffy pull, bub? comes from the Javenese "tafe," which was a molasses rum.
Class meets at the same time to morrow, kiddies. OLDSTER STICKS TO IT NEW YORK After 35 years of cutting hair in the financial district, John Leib, 75, will close his barbershop and retire. His one employe, George Glockner, 85, who has been at the shop since it opened, will move on to cut hair at another shop. Chiang Foe Wins This Mother's Day, show Mom how much you really love her by presenting her. with a gift of truly tine Something she has perhaps wanted for some time but would not buy for herself.
Our selection has never been more varied anil complete. A sparkling diamond du-ette he will treasure forever. I Hi I I v. fcf. 1 sr.
37.50 other's ay, Sunday, May 9 All that's new and beautiful, in compacts. Lovely pearli 2.75 up mother. V--sHlV 3.00 You can avoid delays, breakdowns and undue repairs by correct lubrication STERLING MOTOR OIL Refined from 100 Pennsylvania Grade Crude will give you maximum lubrication protection. Change your oil every 1000 miles. The cost is small but the saving is very real and very vital to low cost car operation.
Gen. Li Tsung-jen, newly elected vice president of China, campaigned for the office as an outspoken critic of Chiang Kai-shek's government. General Li, who has a long military career, is anti-Communist and has the support of independent political, financial and business elements. Many, observers say he's the man to watch in China. "1881" ROGERS By Oneida Ltd.
Up to the minute styling. Dependable and accurate. 24.75 up Charming locket and chain. A gift mother will treasure. 3.95 mm PAPlfFP STOP AT THE STERLING SIGN A genuine zircon a brilliant gem for mother.
mo 12.95 42 pc. service for 8. Anti tarhisli chest included. 39.75 1 MOTOR OIL Open An Account ij (BID Refined from 100 Pennsylvania Grade Crude 1 Pen 12.50 Pen Pencil 17.50 After you choose your ear and find out the trade-in value, ask us about a Bank Auto Loan. You will know exactly how much your financing will cost you before you borrow; and you can place your car insurance locally, often at a saving.
Come in-- for details. Cil City OIL 677 r. I' A. 1898 THIS IS STERLING'S GOLDEN JUBILEE50 YEARS OF SERVICE 1948 IK 0-0 VAN IT JEWELRY COMPANY 215 Seneca Sr. Thirteenth St.
Credit Terms At No Extra Cost Get That Good Staling Gasoline. Oil and Greases at the Following Stations: Ferringer Bear CSI FrarMin Service and Simp I FRANKLIN Wth and Libertu Hhont 100 Uth and Grant Sta. Phone 123 OIL CITY.