The Rubicon Trail: When To Go and How Long Does It Take - Four Wheel Trends (2024)

The path known as the Rubicon Trail, part road and part trail, is a favorite destination for Jeep owners. In this article, we will give an overview of when you should go to the Rubicon Trail and how long it takes to drive the Rubicon Trail yourself.

This article will give you a better idea of what to expect when driving the Rubicon Trail. Jeep enthusiasts come from all over to test their off-roading capabilities on the Rubicon Trail. If you are looking for a more in-depth guide to the Rubicon Trail, keep reading.

What is the Rubicon Trail?

The Rubicon Trail was once, a long time ago, a footpath for Native Americans. Today it exists as an exciting path for off-roading vehicles to drive. The Rubicon Trail is in the Sierra Nevada part of the country and was once used by explorers looking for a way through. At one point this road was functional for cars until it fell into disrepair.

At some point this road became a popular destination for off-roaders, and it is now an iconic spot for Jeep owners to visit and put their Jeeps to the test.

The Rubicon Trail is 22 miles long and includes obstacles along the way.

If you are looking for an off-roading experience that is as beautiful as it is challenging, the Rubicon Trail is certainly that. It is the one of the most fun and most breath-takingly beautiful off-road drives for a Jeep that you can take.

The Rubicon Trail is located in the Tahoe National Forest and features stunning visuals of nature along the way. The Rubicon Trail has been dubbed by many as the most difficult off-roading trail in the US.

Partsof the Rubicon Trail:

  • Postpile
  • Cadillac Hill
  • Granite Slabs
  • Walker Hill
  • Soup Bowl
  • Big Sluice Box
  • Dollar Rock
  • Potato Patch
  • Turtle Rock
  • Observation Point

How long does it take to drive the RubiconTrail?

Completing the entire route of the Rubicon Trail can take several days. Many of the tours that are offered last about five hours which is great for experiencing only the best parts of the trail.

There are touring companies that allow you to stay in a luxury hotel and then take a guided tour at sunrise or sunset that lasts about five hours and features some of the best obstacles of the trail.

For an adventure that includes driving the entire length of the Rubicon Trail you should be prepared to spend several days driving the entire 22 mile length of road, because much of it will be snail-crawling across rocky or difficult obstacles.

Going through the entire tour is too hectic for most beginners, which is why it is ideal to break up the drive into five hour intervals.

Spending one day at the Rubicon Trail will kind of miss the point because you will not be able to enjoy the drive as much as you would if you take your time.

Ideally, you should split the trip up into about three days. One day to arrive and sleep at the hotel, drive all day the next day, sleep at a hotel or camp again the next night, and then drive again all day the next day.

At that point, you can either head home or camp again for a third night before heading back.

So tosum to it all up:

  • The average tour lasts about five hours.
  • To drive the entire expanse of the RubiconTrail takes several days.
The Rubicon Trail: When To Go and How Long Does It Take - Four Wheel Trends (1)

When is the best time to go to the RubiconTrail?

Going for a drive on the Rubicon Trail is best during moderate, clear weather. Driving the Rubicon Trail during the winter is an incredible challenge which is very fun for some people, but the Jeep needs to be heavily modified to be powerful enough to handle driving this terrain in the snow.

The best time of day to go on the Rubicon Trail may be either at sunrise or sunset.

In themorning at sunrise.

Most of the morning tours of the Rubicon Trailstart at 9 am. The trail itself takes about 5 hours to complete, so a full dayof adventure would be from 9 am until 2 pm. Driving the Rubicon Trail is anexperience like no other. Most of the trail can be seen in about five hours.

The morning is a great time to set out on the Rubicon Trail if you want to get back by dark.

At sunrise you have the added benefit of having the entire day ahead of you, and the weather is usually cool and moderate at this time of day. If you are planning on driving the entire trail, the earlier you start out the better.


  • The whole day is ahead of you.
  • It is cooler outside first thing in themorning.
  • You can see clearly in the daytime.


  • It may get hot quickly in the day during thesummer.

In theevening at sunset.

Going on the Rubicon Trail to go off-roading at sunset is an unforgettable experience.

Some trail tours begin right before sunset and allow you to experience the incredible off-roading experience while seeing some of the most beautiful natural scenery of the Sierras. The sunset is also a cool time of day in the summer.

Driving the trail at sunset is perhaps the most beautiful time of day to do it. One of the reasons why this road is such a popular path for off-roaders is because it is such a scenic path.

You will love to see how the views look from the trail at sunset. It is an incredible experience that will be loved by the whole family.


  • It is cooler outside at sunset.
  • You get to see the beautiful colors of the sunsetting.
  • It is a unique experience for you and yourfamily.


  • It may get dark fast.
  • In the fall or spring it could be cold when itgets dark.

In thewinter time.

Driving the Rubicon Trail is an experience like no other in the winter. In the Sierra Nevada region, you can expect to see heavy snowfall during the winter months.

For this reason, you should only attempt to drive the Rubicon Trail during the winter if you have a high-capacity Jeep that has been modified to handle off-roading in the snow during intense conditions.

For regular Jeeps driving the Rubicon Trail in the snow is too much and should be avoided.


  • You get to see the beautiful scenery of thesnowy Sierras.
  • It is a unique challenge for your jeep.
  • It is fun to drive in the snow.


  • Only powerful rigs can make it through theRubicon Trail in the snow.
  • It is more dangerous in many ways.

Duringa paid event.

The Rubicon Trail is an iconic location for Jeep enthusiasts to go to test their Jeeps.

That is why there are several iconic events that are also held at this location each year. You can visit during one of these events and have a great time with food, music, and vendors.

It does cost to get into the events, but going to the Rubicon Trail for a drive is free on most other days. There are several annual events that are held at the Rubicon Trail. Joining in on these events can be an amazing experience for Jeep enthusiasts.

It costs a fee to join in on these Jeep events and that fee is to pay the staff for the event and for supplies. Jeep Jamboree is the most popular event at the Rubicon Trail.


  • There are lots of people.
  • There is food and vendors.
  • There are competitions.
  • There are fun activities.
  • It may be safer in groups.


  • You have to pay to get it.
  • There may be crowds of people.

MemorialDay Weekend or Labor Day Weekend.

These sunny holidays are a great time for many people to come to the Rubicon Trail for a challenging off-road adventure. A lot of people have off work during these weekends so memorial day weekend or labor day weekends are a great time to try driving the Rubicon Trail.

The weather is perfect on these weekends for driving. There is an event usually on labor day weekend as well which makes it even more fun.


  • It is great weather for going off-roading.
  • Many people have off of work and school theseweekends.


  • There may be a lot of people on the trail onthese popular weekends.

What do you need to drive the Rubicon Trail?

If you are planning on driving the entire Rubicon Trail over the course of several days you will need to bring some supplies with you.

You will want to bring a spare tire as well as the necessary tools to do basic car repairs if it breaks down on the trail. You will also want to bring plenty of food and water with you so that you stay energized and well-hydrated during your journey.

Just in case you get lost you may want to include some emergency supplies in with your preparation such as a GPS, flares, and a first aid kit. You will want to pack supplies to bring with you, and if you want the full experience, be prepared to camp out along the way.

If you do not want to camp, you may want to invest in one of the luxury Rubicon Trail tours that are available that include the hotel stay in the price.

Suppliesto Bring for the Rubicon Trail:

  • Snacks
  • Food
  • Water
  • Spare parts
  • Spare tire
  • Car tools
  • Gps
  • Emergency supplies
  • First aid kit
The Rubicon Trail: When To Go and How Long Does It Take - Four Wheel Trends (2)

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are wondering if the Rubicon Trail is free, if it is safe, and how long it takes, this next section is for you. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Rubicon Trail.

Is the Rubicon Trail free to drive?

While there is no entrance fee to the RubiconTrail, you will want to account for some fees along the way for your trip.There is usually about a $10 parking fee near the entrance to the Rubicon Trailso you will want to think about that if you are bringing additional vehicles tothe one being used for off-roading.

Of course if you are traveling to get to the Rubicon Trail you will need to factor in the costs of gas money, plane tickets, or hotel rooms.

There are tours available for purchase of the Rubicon Trail that cost around $1,000 and include a fully upgraded Jeep Wrangler to drive as well as a tour guide, etc.

The trip can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you make it. One option to save money while driving the Rubicon Trail is to camp along the Rubicon Trail.

There are designated areas for campers along the trail and deputies do patrol to make sure that visitors camp in the right areas.

If you want to go to the Rubicon Trail on weekends when they are having the Jamboree events you should be prepared to shell out money for the entrance fee.

The paid Jeep events at the Rubicon Trail are worth the ticket price and are fun for the whole family.

Is the Rubicon Trail safe?

Yes, the Rubicon Trail is safe to drive. The Rubicon Trail features some dangerous obstacles, but the area is patrolled by deputies who ensure that adventure seekers stay on the path and don’t get hurt going over obstacles. However, there are still lots of hazards when driving the Rubicon Trail.

The obstacles are challenging, and a vehicle is only as safe as the person driving it. Know your rig and know that it will be pushed to its limits on this off-roading trail. Here are some of our safety tips for the Rubicon Trail.

SafetyTips For Driving the Rubicon Trail

  • Bringextra supplies – In the case of an accident or if you getlost you do not want to be stranded without supplies. Supplies that you maywant to consider bringing are things like food and water, camping supplies, andtools for repairing the vehicle if something goes wrong. Extra car parts andextra tires are good ideas as well.
  • Checkthe weather – The weather can change in the blink of aneye. Just because it is clear in the morning does not mean that a storm iscoming and it may be dangerous to get stranded on the Rubicon Trail duringadverse weather conditions such as a tornado or other bad storm.
  • Stayconnected – One of the risks of going off-roading isthat you could become lost, or if you crashed and nobody knows where you are itcould take a long time, possibly too long, for someone to find you. For thisreason it is very important to let people know where you are going before yougo on the Rubicon Trail. You also may want to invest in some emergency securitytechnology that will keep you connected via a GPS or that will provide you withsome cell signal or radio signal on the trail so that you do not get stranded.

How long does the Rubicon Trail take?

There is not one clear answer to how long it takes to drive the Rubicon Trail. It can technically be done in one day, but that is not the best way to get the full experience.

For the full experience of driving the Rubicon Trail and experiencing the different obstacles it is recommended that several days be set aside for the experience.

The tours that are available usually last about five hours at a time which is a good amount of off-roading time for most people.

Staying in a hotel is one option, but there are not hotels along the Rubicon Trail, which means that camping along the way may be necessary. What an adventure! There are designated spots to camp along the Rubicon Trail.

  • The Rubicon Trail takes several days to drivein its entirety, experiencing all of the attractions.
  • A tour of the Rubicon Trail from a touringcompany usually lasts five hours, and there are several different toursavailable.


You can expect to spend several days on your journey to drive the Rubicon Trail if you are looking for the full experience. You can drive the trail in one day, but that is not the same as really taking your time and testing the power of your rig on this iconic obstacle course.

Whether you come on memorial day weekend or during the Jeep Jamboree, or another big event, the Rubicon Trail is undoubtedly one of the most iconic trails for Jeep enthusiasts to drive their Wranglers off-road.

A standard Jeep Wrangler has been driven on the Rubicon Trail, but it is recommended that 35” tires with more tread be added, as well as a few other modifications to make the Jeep safer and more powerful for off-roading during this excursion.

Whether you book a luxury tour and stay at a hotel, or you pack up a cooler with your favorite snacks and camp out along the way, the Rubicon Trail is an incredible weekend adventure for Jeep Wrangler enthusiasts and off-roaders that is fun for the whole family.

The Rubicon Trail: When To Go and How Long Does It Take

The Rubicon Trail: When To Go and How Long Does It Take - Four Wheel Trends (2024)


How long does the Rubicon Trail take? ›

It is deemed by many as the most difficult OHV (off-road highway vehicle) route in the nation. Although it's only 22 miles long, it generally takes experienced off-roaders 5 hours to complete. This is not a trail for vehicle owners who are concerned about scratches or dents.

What is the best time of year to do the Rubicon Trail? ›

The best time to run the Rubicon is typically June through September, depending on how heavy of a winter Tahoe has experienced. Usually, the Rubicon is more challenging earlier in the year, particularly after a harsh winter.

How difficult is the Rubicon Trail? ›

Considered by many as the most difficult OHV (off-highway vehicle) route in the US, the Rubicon Trail is a challenge worth taking. Your rewards for tackling this demanding terrain are breathtaking landscapes, majestic mountains, winding creeks, and lush trees.

What is the hardest part of the Rubicon Trail? ›

The Little Sluice is challenging and considered by many as the most difficult part of the Rubicon Trail. Though only about 100 feet (30 meters) long, it is heavily boulder-infested.

How big of tires do you need for the Rubicon trail? ›

Most people should expect sheet metal damage, at a minimum. Larger tires (33”), a lift kit (3”), body protection (rocker guards) and a locking or limited slip differential should be considered to prevent damage.

Do I need lockers for the Rubicon trail? ›

You can see why good articulation, good tires, axle lockers, and armor are highly recommended. If you are worried about scratching anything on your Jeep, this is not the trail for you. Even careful and skilled drivers in a well-built rig will scar some armor here or there.

Can you backpack the Rubicon trail? ›

We decided to do the 11-mile out-and-back route starting at the Loon Lake trailhead and ending at Rockabound lake. It's a moderately challenging hike, which makes it suitable for many levels of backpackers and hikers.

Is the Rubicon Jeep trail one way? ›

Most people drive the trail in the direction described here, but it can be driven in both directions. The trail reaches elevations above 7,000 feet and is partially snow covered in the winter.

What are the disadvantages of Rubicon? ›

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Cons
  • Lack of engine options. ...
  • Ride quality is too bumpy for this Jeep to be your daily driver.
  • Backseat isn't comfortable over long distances. ...
  • A 1-star Euro-NCAP safety rating is a dealbreaker for most buyers.
  • On-road dynamics are poor, more so with the stock MT tyres (Jeep should've given AT tyres).
Apr 25, 2024

What to pack for Rubicon Trail? ›

The Full Rubicon-Ready Checklist
  • Spare BFGoodrich tire (for consistency and reliability) Larry runs 40-inch BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/A KM3 tires.
  • Fan belts, starters, alternators.
  • Comprehensive fluid kit (oil, brake fluid, coolant)
  • Work gloves.
  • Basic hand tools (wrench set, screwdrivers, pliers)
  • Hose clamps and zip ties.

Are there bypasses on the Rubicon trail? ›

It can be bypassed in two ways for vehicles that cannot ascend the main trail. The most common bypass route is to the left of the obstacle known as the long bypass. The second way to bypass the Little Sluice is to drive up Toyota Rock.

Why is the Rubicon trail so famous? ›

El Dorado County is home to a unique off-road trail – the Rubicon Trail. Not only is it considered the most demanding trail in the world, but it's a historical icon for the off-road community. More importantly, it's where the sport of Jeeping and off-roading began.

Is the Rubicon trail safe? ›

The surface of the trail is a mix of granite slabs, soft dirt, sharp rocks, and large boulders that require precise maneuvering to avoid body damage. Several extreme sections can be bypassed, but many very rough sections cannot. The trail can become very dangerous.

How long is Rubicon Trail map? ›

Explore the Rubicon Trail

Stretching 22 miles from Georgetown to Lake Tahoe, this off-road trail features varied elevations, exciting rock formations, and fun challenges.

Is the Rubicon trail one way? ›

This hike extends between the Vikingsholm Estate and D.L. Bliss State Park to the north, and you can do the hike either direction.

Where does the Rubicon trail begin and end? ›

The Rubicon Trail is located in Northern California near Lake Tahoe. The beginning of the trail is off Hwy 50 near Loon Lake and ends on the west side of Lake Tahoe at Tahoma.

Can you do the Rubicon trail on 35s? ›

Then if we continue to build our rigs, or try harder trails, we jump the lift to 4" to 6", and the tires to 35" or 37". You're getting pretty hard core here. Lift, and thus tire size, makes a substantial difference in what you can clear. The only thing that lifts your pumpkin above the rocks is tire size.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.